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Diaper Punishment


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    Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

    Please Note: All content on this site is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

    Clip Description

    Baby zayda, donning an adorable pull-up, is happily sucking her thumb and playing in the yard. Her diaper *****, bob, comes out to chat. He just threw her the most amazing diaper baby birthday party and wants to know how she liked it. They joyfully reminisce on all the diaper fun that she and her friends had. Zayda's favorite part, she says, was all the delicious junk food she enjoyed. Bob then surprises her with one final birthday gift: he's going to help her clean out her insides of all that junk food with an enema. He provides her with a bucket and full bag of cold water. He bends her over the table and proceeds to fill her butt, as she moans and squirms with excitement. She is so turned on by the cramps and urgency. Once the water is all inside her, she pulls up her diaper and bob makes her hold it. Finally, he allows her to release the watery mess into the bucket. The p.Oop loudly squirts into the metal toilet. There is so much mess to release and they talk dirty to each other with anticipation before they run into the house for some filthy diaper sex.

    Clip Duration:      14 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv170.59 MB

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    Messy Diaper Punishment - Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Babys Bday Present A Sexy Outdoor Enema

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